Niger Coup: Is A Soldier's Life Not Worth More Than $25m? - Pratt Blasts France for Supporting ECOWAS

Kwesi Pratt Jnr., the Editor-in-Chief of the Insight newspaper, has slammed the French government for backing ECOWAS decision to deploy military officers to Niger should the coup orchestrators refuse to reinstall the country's President.

France has reportedly pledged to support efforts by the West African regional bloc ECOWAS to make the military coup in Niger fail.

However, Mali and Burkina Faso, where military leaders have taken power since 2020, have warned that any regional intervention would be tantamount to a “declaration of war” against them.

According to Kwesi Pratt, the French government has promised to offer $25 million to support the ECOWAS military intervention.

Speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' morning show, Kwesi Pratt rubbished the French support asking "is one soldier's life not worth more than 25 million dollars? Is one Ghanaian soldier who will die not worth more than that?"

To him, it is somehow an insult for France to pledge this sum to ECOWAS cause stating they (France) are doing this not in the interest of the African nations but because they stand to benefit largely from this intervention.

"It looks like for us, Africans, our lives are worthless; so we should go and fight for them to develop while we suffer. It won't happen!"

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