Let's All Come Together And Stop Girl's Sexual Violence As a Country- Dr. Dennis-Antwi

The President and Chief Executive Officer for Centre for Health Development and Research (CEHDAR), Dr. Jemima Dennis-Antwi has called on all Ghanaians to come together and stop girl’s sexual violence in the country.

According to Dr. Dennis-Antwi, a survey was conducted in eleven out of the sixteen regions in Ghana and more than five thousand (5,000) women including those with disabilities were interviewed on sexual violence, and out of these five thousand women, one out of three have been sexually abuse.

Dr. Jemima Dennis-Antwi in an interview with Peace FM News said, there are lots of work to be done when it comes to issues on sexual violence in this country because most of these women lack knowledge when it comes to such issues and do not know the right steps to take when they become victims.

She added that there are a lot of negative impacts on the society and the country as whole when a girl is sexually abused, such as teenage pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy, spreading of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) and so on, which needs to be solved as a country.

She further stressed that there must be more education and awareness creation on sexual violence by people in authority and stakeholders and there is also the need for government to put measures in place to emphasis the legal service so that any woman who becomes a victim can easily speak to them.