I Drove Adu Boahen To Inaugurate A Danquah-Busia Club – Kwesi Pratt On His 'NPP Links'

Veteran journalist Kwesi Pratt has revealed his connections with the political club that led to the birth of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Pratt revealed on Peace FM (August 16, 2023) that he was present decades ago when the first Danquah Busia club was inaugurated, which club metamorphosed into the NPP.

Pratt recounted: “I remember way back when it (NPP) started as Danquah Busia Club, it started out at KO Methodist Park where the first Danquah-Busia club was inaugurated.”

Pratt listed among others person who were present at the time.

“I know of the late Rev. Asante Antwi and the late Victor Owusu among others. I also know those who were nobodies at the time. Akoto Ampaw, Akufo-Addo’s lawyer was among those who were present at the inauguration of the first Danquah-Busia club.

“The second one was in Koforidua and it was launched by Prof. Adu Boahen, I personally drove him to the venue, so I know a bit. So those talking about their contributions should tone down,” Pratt added.

He stated that unlike the case today, back in 1991, 1992, things were torrid on the political front and yet people worked for the party out of love.”

Albert Adu Boahen was the NPP’s first elected presidential candidate contesting in the 1992 elections won by late Jerry John Rawlings.

The NPP elected John Agyekum Kufuor as its flagbearer for the subsequent election after he defeated Adu Boahen at a primary.