"I Detest Coup D'états" - Allotey Jacobs On Niger Coup

Bernard Allotey Jacobs, former NDC Central Regional Chairman, has warned the citizens of Niger against embracing the military takeover in the country.

A group of military officers seized power in Niger in July 26, 2023.

In view of their actions, ECOWAS is calling for the reinstatement of the President of Niger and threatened to send troops to Niger if need be.

However, it does not appear that the military junta is willing to back down as they have the support of a large section of the country.

Addressing the issue during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" programme, Allotey Jacobs advised the Niger citizenry to take a cue from Ghana in her days of coup and know that coups bring nothing but harm to citizens.

He called on the Niger populace not to rejoice over the military takeover, stressing "it will not benefit them at the end of the day. We have had a lot of experiences out of it...When soldiers come into power, after two years, they become more corrupt than the politicians".

"I detest coup d'états", Allotey Jacobs fumed over the Niger coup.