It's Shameful to Our Politicians for Diaspora to Discover Our Challenges - Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe

A founding Member of the New Patriotic Party, Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe has said that it is very shameful for all politicians to sit in this country for Diaspora to identify the challenges facing people in the country and focus on it.

According to Dr. Tamakloe, if the country is having a whole Ministry responsible for sanitation, water and other things and are unable to solve such challenges then they should be ashamed of themselves.

Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe in an interview with the media said, he would have been ashamed if he was a Municipal or District Chief Executive for someone who works outside to identify the challenges within their communities and focusing on it, because as politicians they have to serve the nation or the state first but the politicians in these country have turn it round by serving themselves first before the country.

He made this known during the lunching and handling over of a complete Pipe Borne Water Accessibility to the Chiefs and people of Pobiman Treba and its environs in the Ga West Municipality of Greater Accra by Relief and Aid International founded by Madam Peggy Anna Naa Ayikailey under the theme: Serving to Save Humanity.

The Clinician at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Dr. Vivian Opoku Acheampong on her part advised the people in the Pobiman Treba to take the Pipe Borne personal and keep the surrounding clean so that the water cannot be contaminated and cause harm to their system when they use it.

Some of the residents within the Pobiman Treba expressed their joy and sincere gratitude to Madam Peggy Anna Naa Ayikailey for making water accessible to them and also appealing with the government to help them with school, hospital and construct their road.