President Charges Tertiary Institutions To Find Practical Solutions To Challenges

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has charged tertiary institutions across the country to find innovative and effective ways of linking up with industry and corporate organisations to find practical solutions to real-life challenges.

He said the government was committed to strengthening existing systems and structures to ensure that universities lived up to their mandate of producing graduates who would be able to facilitate the accelerated development of the country and the world.

Addressing a thanksgiving service to climax the 75th anniversary of the University of Ghana at Legon in Accra yesterday, President Akufo-Addo said the government “fully supports and shares in your vision to become a research-intensive university, and we will do all in our power to help you realise it”.

President Akufo-Addo said 75 years in the life of any institution was no mean feat, and that from the modest beginnings in 1948 when the university was housed on the premises of the Achimota College, the then University College of Gold Coast had evolved into one of Africa's leading universities.

“Today, there is a worldwide recognition of the excellent performance of the university’s faculties and students, and professional successes chalked up by her alumni, both home and abroad,” he said, adding that “the university continues to be a proud pacesetter in mentoring and nurturing higher institutions and think tanks in the country.”

The President further said that the university had over the years lived up to its mission of developing world-class human resource and capabilities to meet the development needs of the nation and global challenges.

He also said that graduates from the university had contributed to national and global development, and had been a source of pride to the nation.