UG Alumni, Makers and Partners Embark On Health Walk In Accra

As part of plans to engage stakeholders to network and support the objectives of the University of Ghana (UG), the Alumni Association has organised a walk in Accra.

The 2023 edition of "A Walk with UG Alumni & Friends" was supported by Makers and Partners, a chartered accountancy firm.

The 10-Kilometer walk led by Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, Vice Chancellor of UG, saw participants converge at the premises of the UG Alumni’s Office and walked through some principal streets of the University.

In an interview after the walk, Professor Gordon Awandare, Pro-Vice Chancellor in charge-of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) at UG, underscored the need to keep fit and also highlighted the need to strengthen the relationship between the University and its affiliates, particularly the alumni.

He said, for the past 75 years, the University has produced some of the best brains who are making impact globally, as such, an event to mobilize old students to help the University achieve its greater heights was a worthy course.

Professor Awandare, who was hopeful that the alumni engagement would help bring others on board, also reiterated the University’s commitment to making education more accessible to Ghana’s teeming high school graduates.

Madam Doris Ansah, Chairperson of UG Alumni, said the essence of the event was to mobilize old students to be fit to help the University.

She stated that the alumni have embarked on numerous projects, however, the University needs more projects and it is important for all stakeholders to come together to help the University build  infrastructure to provide comfort for the students.

She said the alumni had refurbished 5 Reading Rooms for different halls and “we building the hotspot comfort zones; Wi-Fi-enabled places where students can relax between their lectures, finish assignments and discussions”.

Madam Ansah mentioned, in the area of health, the Association has built a mother’s wing (hostel) for the Legon Hospital to provide shelter for mothers whose children had been hospitalized.

She said the Association had also provided a modern incinerator to the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research.

The Chairperson also called on all old students who were yet to be part of the Association to visit the UG Alumni Centre and register, adding that “we need more people to come on board and help with their widow’s might”.

Mr Alfred Aryee, partner at Makers and Partners also adviced Ghanaian workers to be health conscious and embrace lifestyles that will improve their fitness levels.

He stated that the event highlighted the need for professional networking, as it created a platform to build relationships with other professionals.

Mr Aryee said the frontliners of Makers and Partners were part of the UG Alumni and it was feasible to build partners and promote their services, “which include, Forensic Audits, Statutory Audit, Tax Advisory Services, Corporate Advisory Services, SME Business Solution, and Forensic Investigation Training".