Daughter Of Bekwai MCE Found Dead

In a shocking turn of events, a distressing piece of news has emerged from Bekwai, revealing the untimely demise of Akua Serwaa, believed to be the daughter of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Bekwai in the Ashanti Region, Kwaku Kyei Baffour.

Akua Serwaa was found unconscious by her husband and was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

According to sources, the unfortunate incident took place Thursday, August 3, when Akua Serwaa was allegedly attacked by unknown assailants in the town of Atwima Bebu. The circumstances surrounding the attack remain unclear, leaving the community in a state of shock and mourning.

Upon discovering his wife in a critical condition, Akua Serwaa’s husband promptly rushed her to the nearest hospital. However, despite the best efforts of medical professionals, she could not be revived, and her tragic passing was confirmed upon arrival.

Speaking on the matter, the Assembly Member for the Bebu electoral area, Boakye Ansah, said the husband of the deceased discovered her lifeless body upon returning from work, with her neck turned unnaturally.

“This happened yesterday evening and from my committee members’ account, a lady has been murdered, the husband said he told his wife to come home early and prepare dinner and when he returned around 7pm, he realised that the handle of the main door to their house has been broken and that was strange because they always lock the door even when they are home.

“The husband began calling out his wife’s name but there wasn’t any response; he searched for the wife and saw that she had been murdered at one of the exits of the house but per the account of eyewitnesses, there was no weapon wound or sharp cut but this is a layman’s view but an autopsy report should be able to determine what killed her.”

The police were immediately notified and have begun their investigations into the circumstances surrounding the young woman’s death.

The news of Akua Serwaa’s death has sent shockwaves through the region, as the daughter of a prominent public figure has fallen victim to a heinous crime.

The community of Bekwai, known for its close-knit nature, is now grieving the loss of a young life and demanding swift justice for the culprits responsible for this senseless act.

Local law enforcement agencies have launched a thorough investigation into the incident, aiming to swiftly apprehend those responsible for this heinous crime.

The police are urging anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and assist in the investigation, as any small detail could prove crucial in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Meanwhile, the MCE of Bekwai is said to be devastated by the tragic loss of his daughter.

The local community has rallied around the grieving family, offering their condolences and support during this difficult time.

The loss of Akua Serwaa has once again brought attention to the urgent need for enhanced security measures and efforts to combat crime in the region.

Community leaders and residents are calling for increased police presence and improved safety measures to prevent such incidents in the future and ensure the safety of all citizens.

As the investigation unfolds, the people of Bekwai remain united in their grief for Akua Serwaa and are hopeful that justice will be served.

The authorities have assured the public that no stone will be left unturned in their pursuit of the truth and the apprehension of those responsible for this tragic crime.