France to Begin Evacuation for its Citizens, EU Nationals In Coup-hit Niger

France’s foreign ministry has said plans to evacuate French citizens are under way in Niger, days after President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by members of his presidential guard.

“Considering the situation in Niamey, the violence against our embassy the day before yesterday, and the fact that the air space is shut and our citizens cannot leave by their own means, France is preparing the evacuation of its citizens and (other) European citizens who want to leave the country,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

“The evacuation will start today,” it added.

According to the ministry website, there were fewer than 1,200 French nationals in Niger in 2022.

Italy’s foreign minister also said on Tuesday that the government would arrange a special flight to repatriate nationals from Niger following the coup.

“The Italian government has decided to offer our fellow citizens in Niamey the chance to leave the city on a special flight to Italy,” Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani posted on messaging platform X, formerly known as Twitter.