Keeping Millions In Your Bedroom Amounts To 'Money Laundering' - Atik Asks EOCO, GRA To Investigate Cecilia Dapaah

Former PNC General Secretary, Atik Mohammed has charged the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) to investigate former Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, after reports of her house helps stealing millions of foreign and local currencies from her house.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor, on Monday, July 24, indicated in a press release that Cecilia Dapaah has been arrested in relation to the scandal.

“At 11:55 GMT on 24 July 2023, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, who resigned from the position of Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources on 22 July 2023, was placed under arrest by the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) in respect of suspected corruption and corruption-related offences regarding large amounts of money and other valuable items reportedly stolen from her residence. Ms. Dapaah is being questioned by authorised Officers of the OSP,” the OSP statement read.

Atik says the issue shouldn't be handled by the OSP alone but also the GRA and EOCO should get involved and launch a probe to ascertain the source of Mrs. Cecilia Dapaah's money and her tax records.

"It should not just be the OSP to do the investigations. The GRA must be interested. To have this quantum of money, we should be interested in how much tax you pay," he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.

"Why keep that amount of money at home?", he questioned.

Atik also reprimanded those defending Mrs. Cecilia Dapaah, arguing in favor of her that her money could be a gift or something she obtained it through transactions because she owns businesses.

"You cannot expect to have this amount of money in your bedroom by doing an international transaction, otherwise it could only be through money laundering," he replied.