NPP Presidential Election: You Can Count On Bawumia To Run a Clean Non-personal Campaign - Dennis Miracles Assures

Dennis Miracles Aboagye, Spokesperson for Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's campaign team, has reiterated the call by the Vice President to his team members and supporters not to retaliate the verbal attacks on him.

In a meeting with members of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) during his campaign tour in the Ashanti Region, Dr. Bawumia emphasized the significance of maintaining a clean campaign as the party's flagbearer race intensifies.

He instructed his spokespersons and supporters to conduct their campaign devoid of invectives.

"I have instructed all my supporters and Spokespersons that we must conduct a clean campaign, avoiding any form of insults. We are one family, and we must remain united. Once the contest concludes, we will come together as a cohesive force to ensure the NDC does not return to power," he said.

Contributing to Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Friday morning, Dennis Miracles, who doubles as Director of Local Government Services at the Office of the President, assured that the team will adopt Bawumia's admonition to the letter.

He noted that Dr. Bawumia's caution is binding on every person within his camp and intimated that anyone who goes against the order risks being sidelined by the Vice President.

"I can assure you that Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia being the leader that he is, you can count on a very clean non-personal issue-based campaign from him and his supporters," he said.

He advised the other aspirants to take a cue from Dr. Bawumia and run their campaigns without denigrating one another.