West Africa SHS Headmistress Was Interdicted For Charging Students Motivation Fees – GES

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has explained why it interdicted the headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS), Dr Shine Agatha Ofori.

According to the Head of the Public Relations Department of the GES, Cassandra Twum Ampofo, the headmistress broke the roles of the service by charging unauthorised fees.

Twum Ampofo, who made this disclosure in an interview on Asempa FM, on Thursday, July 20, 2023, said that the school was forcing and threatening students to pay teachers' motivation and other fees.

“We got the information from the school, some parents came to our headquarters complaining that the school was charging them motivation fees and some SHS levy support money. We sent our regional director to verify these claims and he told us it was true.

"So, we had to let the headmistress step aside as we continue our investigation to avoid any interference," she said in Twi.

The PRO clarified that the GES is not against parents supporting schools with funds but what it forbids is making support for schools compulsory.

“We are not against parents supporting our schools financially… What we are against is you making support for the schools, levies and compulsory.

“The moment you make them compulsory and threaten that final year students who do not pay would not be cleared, then it becomes an issue,” she said.


In a statement released on July 19 and signed by Cassandra Twum Ampofo, the head of Public Relations, the interdiction of Dr. Mrs. Shine Agatha Ofori is in response to allegations of unauthorized collection of funds from students.

Pending the final determination of the case by the Regional Disciplinary Committee, she has been instructed to hand over the administration of the school to the Regional Director of Education.

The matter is being investigated by the Regional Disciplinary Committee, which will be responsible for reaching a conclusive decision in due course.