No Plot To Remove IGP – Interior Minister

Minister of Interior, Ambrose Dery, has refuted reports that some stalwarts of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) are plotting to depose Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr. George Akuffo-Dampare in order to tamper with the 2024 elections.

“Let me make this clear that this government is not going to tamper with the 2024 elections. Our President does not want to stay one more hour beyond his tenure.

“We are making sure that we have free and fair elections. You are in this country and we have had several by-elections. By-elections under this system are the most peaceful of all that we have had,” he stated.

He was responding to an audio tape purporting to be a leaked conversation of a police and some NPP members plotting to remove the IGP from office.

“Alhaji, my only issue… This current IGP will not help us if we make a mistake and send him to the elections.

“It won’t help us at all, and I don’t mind if the position isn’t given to me as long as that man is changed; because he won’t help us. He’s not going to help us at all,” sections of the recording indicated.

But the minister stated categorically that President Akufo-Addo did not intend to stay in power beyond his tenure, while dismissing theories of a scheme to subvert the will of Ghanaian voters.

“I can assure you that I serve a president who has respect for human rights. Under Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, we will make sure 2024 is peaceful.

“As for those theories about – we have rich imaginations, but one thing is certain: 2024 will not be a violent election by anybody and no one will want to thwart the will of the people,” he asserted.

Mr. Dery continued, “If you vote us in you have voted us in, and if you vote us out you have voted us out. We have shown it before. The difference with which we handed over power in 2009 was so impressive.”

According to him, all by-elections held under President Akufo-Addo were peaceful, indicating the President’s dedication to democratic values as compared to previous instances.

“Go to Chereponi where people were shot in the head. We went to Atiwa, Talensi where they were throwing stones. And then you have a by-election where people were allowed to vote peacefully.

“I am saying those who did not believe in the system now believe that they can count on the police intelligence force.

“As far as I am concerned. And I am also happy that at last they have said that the EC did a good job because I can assure you that this country will not allow anybody to be killed or shot because of votes,” he posited.