What Bright Simmons Didn't Know

Contrary to claims by Mr. Bright Simmons, the loan obtained from Arab Bank in Sudan was not used to set up NEW STEM secondary schools. Instead, it was utilized to strengthen the access and quality of education at the basic level through the Basic Education Support Project. This project encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including infrastructure development, curriculum enhancement, teacher training, and the provision of learning resources.

The Basic Education Support project consists of the construction of KGs, Primary schools, and Model junior high schools. It is worth indicating that these interventions are not only replacing some of our schools under trees/ dilapidated structures but also fixing the weakest link in our educational ladder thus the construction of well equipped Junior High schools complete with modern labs, libraries, and all other ancillary facilities commensurate with high school education.

It is crucial to also emphasize that the Ministry of Education has not overlooked the existing STEM schools in Ghana. In recent years, significant progress has been made in upgrading existing STEM schools throughout the country. Modern laboratories, cutting-edge technology, and innovative teaching approaches have been introduced to provide students with an engaging and hands-on learning experience. Existing Schools upgraded include Lashibi Community Day SHS, St. Louis SHS, Okuapeman SHS, Saint. James SHS, Accra Academy, Anglican SHS, Aburi Girls High School, Wesley Girls, Anglican SHS, etc. By the way, schools like Presec, Oyoko Community SHS, Opoku Ware SHS, Afua Kobi Ampem Girls, and Abuakwa state college are on the verge of getting fully furnished science labs within the coming weeks. Moreover, efforts have been made to attract and retain highly qualified STEM teachers who are instrumental in nurturing the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Despite the perceived rural disadvantages associated with the location of the newly constructed STEM high schools, it is remarkable to note that enrollment in these schools has actually been oversubscribed. This phenomenon speaks volumes about the increasing recognition and demand for quality STEM education in rural areas. The establishment of these STEM high schools in these communities demonstrates a proactive approach to bridging the gap and providing equal opportunities for students in rural communities particularly in Northern Ghana.

Bright Simmons' allegations regarding Ghana's approach to education development and the use of funds obtained from the Arab Bank in Sudan are misleading. The loan was not designated for setting up STEM secondary schools but rather aimed to enhance the accessibility and quality of education at the basic level through the Basic Education Support Project. Moreover, It is important to note that in addition to the construction of New STEM Senior High Schools, the Ministry of Education has prioritized the improvement of existing STEM schools by implementing various initiatives to upgrade infrastructure, provide specialized training, and foster partnerships with industry leaders.

*Kwasi Kwarteng*
Ministry of Education-Ghana.
[email protected]