Council Of State Meets With Organised Labour To Suspend Intended Strike

The Council of State has urged Organised Labour to suspend its intended nationwide strike.

Organised Labour a few days ago, served notice to embark on a nationwide strike in solidarity with the dismissed staff of Sunon Asogli Power Ghana Limited.

According to a statement signed by Mr Stephen Blay, Acting Secretary of the Council “After several hours of discussions, the Council pleaded with Organised Labour to suspend their intended strike, while the Council takes all necessary steps to have the matter resolved amicably”.

“The Council of State held a closed-door meeting with Organised Labour led by the Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress, Dr. Yaw Baah, on Friday 7th July 2023, to deliberate on their intended national strike slated for 10th July 2023 over the dismissal of three workers of Sunon Asogli Power Ghana Ltd.”