LGBTQ+: Don't Tell Us What To Do . . . Respect Us As A Sovereign State - Diplomatic Community Told

"Don't tell us what to do," Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour has sent a strong warning to the Diplomatic Community.

This comes on the back of Parliament adopting the anti-LGBTQ Bill.

Parliament on Wednesday, unanimously adopted the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2022”. 

The bill seeks to proscribe LGBTQ+ and related activities, proscribe propaganda of, advocacy for or promotion of LGBTQ+ and related activities.

The Bill now moves to the consideration stage, after which it will go through the third reading before it is passed into law. 

Amnesty Country Director

However, the Country Director for Amnesty International, Genevieve Partington has called on Parliament to throw out the Bill.

According to her, “It is good to hear people’s point of view and to also give those who are pro-LGBTQ a chance to express why this Bill should not be passed. So I think it is a healthy discussion even though some persons decide to go below the belt, but in all, it’s a healthy discussion. But in terms of Amnesty we certainly believe that this bill should not be passed, it should be thrown out in its entirety. It completely violates human rights and Parliament should not consider it at all. I feel like the Parliamentarians should be spending their time on bigger issues in Ghana."

She continued: “There are places that do not have water and electricity, those are the things we should focus on, not the Bill.”

Respect us

Ntim Fordjour who doubles as the Member of Parliament for Assin South Constituency contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' asked the Diplomatic Community to respect our choice as a country.

"Some countries like Russia, Qatar have stern regulations against LGBTQ but ours is not like that. I've not heard that these countries have been threatened to accept this act or face sanctions. But the situation is not the same in Africa. Why don't they respect us as Sovereign countries? If you have accepted LGBTQ in your country, you are a sovereign country and you're entitled to set those laws so allow us to also do same. We are also a Sovereign state," he urged.

He added: "This is not a diplomatic brawl; you can have your disagreement but in expressing your disagreement, you don't tell us what we must do. Respect us because we didn't disrespect your laws in your country. This is what we want as a country so make sure your utterances are measured."

Listen to him in the video below