Gyakye Quayson's Trial: 'A Nation Without Laws Is No Nation' - Allotey Jacobs Blasts NDC MPs

Former NDC Chairman for Central Region, Bernard Allotey Jacobs has taken a swipe at the National Democratic Congress Members of Parliament for threatening to boycott Parliament anytime the Assin North Member of Parliament, James Gyakye Quayson goes to court.

Hon. James Gyakye Quayson was re-elected to represent the constituents of Assin North in Parliament after Supreme Court disqualified him over claims that he held a dual citizenship when he stood for parliamentary election in 2020 and won the Assin North seat.

Although Hon. Gyakye Quayson has been sworn-in into Parliament by the Speaker, he is facing a criminal charge filed by the Attorney General.

The Minority Members of Parliament have served notice that they will not participate in the business of the House as long as the Assin North MP appears in court.

Speaking in Parliament on Tuesday (4 July) after the swearing-in of Gyakye Quayson, the Minority Leader, Cassiel Ato Forson said; “I wish to serve notice that the entire Minority group will accompany our colleague to court today and any other day that he is to appear in court.” 

He added; “Mr Speaker, we are solidarising with our colleague and we will not participate in the business of the House anytime our colleague is in court and we’ll be withdrawing from the chamber after this ceremony if the court processes indeed happens today.”

Tackling the matter during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" discussion programme, Allotey Jacobs cautioned the Minority against their decision.

"A nation without law or without laws is no nation. A nation is governed by law. If you are part of the law but remove yourself and you want to be benevolent or you want to be seen as extraordinary, then I bet to differ," he warned.

To him, this behavior where MPs threaten not to partake in parliamentary business is disturbing, so he is proposing for a new mechanism to be instituted in Parliament to ensure the continuance of proceedings in the absence of any of the sides.