No Airport Luggage Fumigation Tax – Govt Assures

The Presidency has assured the public that there will be no luggage fumigation tax imposed on passengers travelling through the Kotoka International Airport (KIA).

This assurance comes after reports circulated on social media and in the mainstream media about a possible introduction of a $7 per passenger luggage fumigation tax.

President Nana Akufo-Addo was reportedly informed by Paul Adom Otchere, the chairman of the Ghana Airport Company Limited (GACL) board, that no such decision had been made to introduce this tax. The President has directed that no such policy should be entertained.

According to reports, it is not possible to introduce such a levy or tax without the approval of Parliament.

Members of the GACL board also confirmed that they had not received any proposals regarding this matter.

A member of the GACL board, Kwabena Nyarko, stated that he doubts the authenticity of the news report and assured that, if any such proposal were to be made, it would have to be brought to the board for discussion and approval.

The news of the possible tax has received backlash and condemnation from the public, both on social media and in mainstream media.

However, the reassurance from the Presidency should allay any fears, as it appears that no such policy will be implemented.