NPP Flagbearer Primary: Bortianor Ngleshie Amanfro, Gbawe and Anyaa Sowutuom Constituents Massively Endorse Dr. Bawumia 

The momentum of Vice President  Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in the NPP Flagbearership primaries continued on Thursday with massive reception and endorsements on Thursday.

Enthusisatic party delegates turned up in their numbers to receive Dr. Bawumia in Bortianor-Ingleshie-Amanfro, Gbawe and Anyaa Sowutuom constituencies respectively.

However, the most tumultuous reception was at Bortianor-Ngleshie-Amanfrom  constituency where one of Mr. Alan Kyerematen's national coordinators is Member of Parliament.

Delegates in the constitutuency met Dr. Bawumia with wild cheers.

The Constituency Chairman praised Dr. Bawumia for his commitment and hard work to the party and on behalf of polling station, electoral area coordinators and executives, declared support for the Vice President.

"We all know what Dr. Bawumia has done for this country," Mr. Bright Ofori Ampofo, the Chairman of Bortianor-Ngleshie-Amanfrom constituency said.

"Dr. Bawumia has also done well for the party and he has supporters Bortianor Ngleshie Amanfrom. It is time for him to see the results of his investment; not just here, but in all the constituencies. The ground is fertle for harvest and we will do it together," he added.

At the other two constituencies, their Chairmen also assured the Vice President of their strong support stressing they will work hard to ensure he wins massively.

"My members here, especially the polling station executives, have vowed to help you by working for you and when the time comes, we shall all give you the needed support for you to lead the party. Weija Gbawe will join the others and give you the key to break the 8," Michael Danquah, Chairman of Weija Gbawe constituency said.

The Chairman for Anyaa-Sowutuom, Tony Boadu was equally emphatic in declaring the constituency's support for Dr. Bawumia.

"I stand here today, together with my people and declare that Anyaa Sowutuom is for you. We are for you not because you're the Vice President today, but because we know you are competent and with you, we will break the 8,"
he said.

Sylvester Tetteh booed by his constituents in absentia

Meanwhile, the Member of Parliament for Boartianor Ngleshie Amanfrom Constituency, Sylvester Tetteh was booed by his constituents during the visit of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to interact with constituency delegates on Thursday.

During the introductory remarks of the constituency Chairman, he said the NPP MP for the area, Sylvester Tetteh who is a leading coordinator for the Alan Kyerematen campaign, could not be present because the MP is out of town on assignment.

However, the mention of the MP's name sparked furious reactions with spontaneous boos and jeers from the delegates.

"No, no, no, no", "he should go; away! away! away!", and "don't mention his name here", the angry delegates charged with some getting off their seats to "warn" the Chairman not to mention Sylvestre Tetteh's name.