Teacher Licensure Exam: A lot of 'Unintelligent' Students Do Distance Learning - Allotey Jacobs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has blamed the outcome of the 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination conducted in May 2023 on those who take distance learning.

Over 6,000 teachers failed the exams which were based on three basic areas; numeracy, literacy and essential skills.

The candidates who wrote the exams were from Colleges of Education and Universities.

Addressing the issue on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, Bernard Allotey Jacobs asked the education authorities to review distance education, stressing a huge number of those who failed the licensure exams are those who took distance education instead of going through the Colleges of Education.

To him, the main problem is with the distance learners, so admonished the authorities to take a second look at it.

"They should really check the distance education because a lot of students who are not intelligent usually do distance education," he said.

" . . some do not go to Colleges of Eductaion, after Secondary School they go to Distance Education, that is where the problem lies . . . " he added.

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