NDC Will Jail Akufo-Addo’s Appointees – Sherry Ayitey Warns

The First Vice-Chairperson of Ghana’s National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sherry Hanni Ayitey, has said that any member of the current administration led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo found guilty of engaging in corruptible practices would be punished severely by the NDC-led government when they take office.

Speaking at the party’s 31st-anniversary celebration in the Assin North Constituency of the Central Region ahead of the by-election, per a news report by the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Ms. Ayitey accused the Akufo-Addo administration of failing to disclose how much it had borrowed, while adding that the current government’s record on roads, schools, electricity, unemployment, and water was subpar.

She therefore stated that the NDC will enforce corruption laws, adding that “those who need to go to prison would go to prison, and those whose property need to be confiscated by the state to pay for the money they have stolen would be done.”

According to her, the NDC party has a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, and they will not hesitate to take strong action against anyone found guilty of engaging in corrupt practices.

She further stated that corruption has become widespread in the current government, and it is negatively affecting the development of the country.
She emphasized that the NDC party is determined to root out corruption from the country and ensure that public officials are held accountable for their actions.

Ms Ayitey also called on Ghanaians to support the NDC party in their fight against corruption, stating that it is a collective responsibility to ensure that the country is free from corruption.

The NDC is currently in opposition, and they are preparing for the next general elections in 2024.
Ms Sherry Ayitey’s statement is seen as a strong message to the ruling party and a promise to the Ghanaian people that the NDC party will deal with appointees of the current administration when they come into power.

This news has generated mixed reactions from Ghanaians, with some commending the NDC for their stance on corruption, while others are skeptical about their ability to deliver on their promises. Nevertheless, it is clear that corruption remains a major issue in Ghanaian politics, and it will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders to tackle it effectively.