NDC Primaries: Sefwi Wiawso Constituency Chairman ‘Rubbishes’ Missing GHc40 Per Delegate Reports - VIDEO

Sefwi Wiawso Constituency Chairman of the NDC has rubbished reports that the constituency executives have squandered money provided by former President John Dramani Mahama to cater for the delegates' transportation to the voting centers.

The delegates have accused their executives of "chopping" their 'GHc40 per delegate' money, which according to a statement from the camp of Mr. John Mahama, is to "support delegates with some T&T to enable them travel to the voting centres".

The statement urged the executives to distribute the money equally to all delegates.

"There must be no discrimination in the disbursement of the GH¢40 per delegate T&T money," a member of the former President's campaign team, Prof Joshua Alabi said.

But the Sefwi Wiawso Constituency Chairman says categorically that no money has gone missing as alleged by the delegates.

He explained in an interview with UTV that he received news from the leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that they have been provided with money to bus the delegates to the voting centers but there was no instruction for them to give the money to them individually.

He stated that the misunderstanding is as a result of misinformation.

"There is no iota of truth in it...Yesterday, in the evening around 11 O'clock to 12 O'clock, we received money through Regional Secretary and Regional Chairman. They told us the money is from above and we should use it to convey all the delegates from the constituency to Sefwi...It was when we reached the grounds that we heard rumors that the former President has brought us 'chop money', 40 cedis per head, that we should distribute it to them. We don't know where this news came from", he said.

He however confirmed that the delegates have threatened to boycott the elections saying "some of them have made up their minds not to vote".

He also accused some unidentified persons of fueling this rumor.

"What I'm hearing is that they have given us money to support one particular aspirant but this is no truth in it", he concluded.

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