'Human Forces' Are Working Against Sam George Because of LGBTQ+ - Charles Owusu On NDC Primaries

Charles Owusu has appealed to the delegates in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to retain Sam George as Member of Parliament for the Ningo-Prampram constituency.

A total of 1,675 delegates are expected to vote in the NDC primaries in the Ningo-Prampram constituency to either retain the incumbent or vote for a new Parliamentary candidate.

The contest is between Sam Nartey George, the two-term incumbent Member of Parliament (MP), and Michael Kwetey Nartey, a former Constituency Chairman of the party.

The two contested for the MP candidature in a fierce contest in 2019, during which the incumbent MP won the primaries with seven votes and subsequently kept the seat in the 2020 general elections.

Contributing to Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" programme, the former Head of Monitoring Unit at the Forestry Commission, Charles Owusu pleaded with the delegates not to change Sam George.

He noted that the incumbent MP is leading a crusade in Parliament which shouldn't be truncated.

This crusade, he referred to, is Sam George leading the anti-gay bill to fight against homosexual practices in Ghana.

"I have seen that some forces have entered his constituency trying to remove him" but "vote for Sam George," he urged.