If Ghana Will Collapse, It's Because of NPP And NDC - Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah Snaps

Governance Lecturer at the Central University, Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah has lambasted both the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) and opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), claiming these two parties are the reasons why galamsey menace can't be eradicated.

According to him, both the NPP and NDC as well as Chiefs are actively involved in galamsey activities destroying the environment and water bodies in the country.

Dr. Otchere-Ankrah noted he once personally witnessed an incident where an NDC member involved in galamsey received a tipoff from an NPP member to warn him ahead of an operation to seize excavators in the community where he was undertaking his galamsey activities.

"We are legalizing an illegality...It's a shame!", he snapped.

He believed if the nation will win the fight against galamsey, the political influence needs to be extinguished.

"If this country will collapse, it is because of the NPP and NDC...We don't have the will to fight galamsey. I pity the President," he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.