Ban All Forms of Mining Activities Following Frimpong-Boateng’s Report – MP

Builsa South Member of Parliament, Dr. Clement Apaak has called for a ban on all forms of mining activities following the leaked report of Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng on illegal mining.

The lawmaker says the issues and allegations raised by the former minister are alarming and should not be taken for granted.

In his view, this would help address the issues relating to illegal mining, popularly referred to as galamsey.

In his 37-page report, the former minister alleged that some NPP officials hired Chinese nationals to engage in galamsey on their behalf.

He also claimed that, despite the president's commitment to protecting the environment, many party officials were involved in illegal mining.

Dr. Apaak, reacting to the issues raised, believes there should be an immediate ban on all forms of mining activities for at least two years.

He also wants a national forum led by CSOs to be initiated to determine the way forward for mining activities.

He tweeted and said, "We must demand a total ban on all forms of mining immediately, at least for two or more years. In the meantime, a national forum led by CSOs should be initiated to determine the way forward. This is the only reasonable option available given the levels of official complicity."