Ghana Needs A Leader Who Can Reconcile And Unite Our People - Alan

Hon Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, former Minister for Trade and Industry and aspiring flagbearer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has called for a new leadership direction in Ghana to reconcile the people for growth and prosperity.

Politics in Ghana is so polarized that the country seems unable to decide, with a united voice on critical national issues confronting it

Speaking at a meeting with the Western Regional House of Chiefs (WRHC) at Sekondi last Friday at the beginning of his tour of the region, Hon. Kyerematen said “we need a leader who will reconcile the nation, irrespective of the party in power, because, without unity there cannot be development.

"We need a leader we can trust, and I am sacrificing myself as that leader, to bring this nation to a common objective and
destiny. The development that we desire as a people to push Ghana forward, can only come about if we stick together, irrespective of our party affiliations", the NPP Presidential hopeful said.

Popularly known as Alan Cash, Hon. Kyerematen, used the occasion to formally inform Nananom that he is availing himself for the presidency since the sitting President, Nana Akufo-Addo, constitutionally, has to step down next year after serving two full terms eight years.

Hon Kyerematen said, although the constitution bars chiefs from direct participation in politics, he thought it prudent to seek their wise counsel and blessings in his endeavour.

“I know you are not party delegates and do not vote, but you can convince the delegated in your jurisdiction to vote in the right direction”, he said.

Touching on the juridical role Chiefs play in governance at the local level, the aspiring NPP presidential hopeful said, “we can not have a proper decentralized system of government without incorporating a bigger role for the Chiefs since
their tenure transcends any political office and their influence and experience needed to be tapped into for the benefit of all", he said.

Referring to Ghana's move to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Hon. Kyerematen observed that the contribution of the region to the development of the entire country could not be over-emphasized and if harnessed properly, could help to solve many of the problems we face.

“There is a difference between change and transformation. Since 1957, Ghana has been to IMF 17 times. As I speak, we have an application before the IMF for a $3b bailout.

"Western Region alone is endowed with so many natural resources, and the question is, can't we get $3b only from the Western Region if we manage its resources properly?”, he asked.

Hon Kyerematen posited that, it has come to a point where “we must have a sober reflection on how to move the country forward" adding that it was only through well- grounded transformation that countries can move forward in a sustainable manner.

Using the opportunity to unveil his Great Transformationla Plan, (GTP), Hon Kyerematen said, the 10 thematic areas highlighted were to focus on how to develop Ghana, if given the nod.

He also laid bare his vision for the Western Region, which included domesticating mineral processing, especially gold production, investing in the oil and gas industry, supporting and expanding manufacturing and agricultural processing.

Awulae Agyefi Kwame II, Omanhene of Nsein, who spoke on behalf of the House, praised the aspirant for demonstrating what he described as a 'good character', by calling on Nananom at the beginning of his tour of the region.

“You have demonstrated a character that you will not leave out Chiefs in your government, and I pray your dream comes to pass”, he said to the applause of the House.

Awulae Agyefi Kwamen II used the occasion to point out the lack of representation of the region in cabinet and hoped he (Kyerematen) would reverse it when given the chance.