Vice President Bawumia Pays National Chief Imam Surprise Visit On 104th Birthday

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, this morning, paid a surprise visit to the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu, on his 104th birthday.

Sheikh Sharubutu turned 104 today and the Vice President paid him a customary birthday visit at his residence in Accra early today.

Earlier, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the First Lady also visited the religious leader at his residence.

Speaking during the visit, Vice President Bawumia paid glowing tributes to Sheikh Sharubutu for his impactful life and immense contributions to the peace and harmony the country enjoys.

"Allah has blessed our Father. He celebrates a birthday and it is not an ordinary birthday. For a human being to reach a hundred years, it is a big matter. To reach 104 is a blessing from Allah," Dr. Bawumia said.

"What we all know is that the National Chief Imam is a gift from God to this nation. And to the Muslim Ummah, we are so fortunate and grateful to Allah for giving him to us."

Dr. Bawumia praised Sheikh Sharubutu for his contribution to the stability Ghana enjoys and urged that the peace the nation enjoys should not be taken for granted.

"We owe a lot in terms of the tolerance and peace in this country to him, the National Chief Imam. Ghana is the most peaceful country in West Africa and the second most peaceful country in West Africa. We should not take it for granted; it is a blessing from Allah."

"When you look at the countries around us, you see that there is a lot of tension. But in Ghana, Christians and Muslims are sitting together, speaking together, eating together, laughing together and crying together."

"This is not the same in many countries and so we should not take it for granted. It is happening because of people like the National Chief Imam."