LGBTQ+: What Is Akufo-Addo's Government Scared Of? - Bunkpurugu MP Asks

The Member of Parliament for Bunkpurugu in the North East Region, Dr. Abed Bandim, has questioned what the hinderance is as far as the declaration of the country’s clear stance on the LGBTQ+ subject by Ghana's president is.

He described the inability of the president to take a blunt stance on this as a cause for worry.

The MP further stated that while at this, if the government sits by and allows the activities of the LGBTQ+ community to thrive, it could plunge the country into chaos.

Speaking to GhanaWeb on the current Private Members’ bill before parliament, Dr. Bandim said, “LGBTQ+ activities are an abomination to God, Ghana and Africa at large. Traditionally and morally, the Ghanaian society abhor anything that has to do with unnatural carnal knowledge.

“Uganda, for instance, has criminalized LGBTQ+ acts, so what is the Akufo Addo’s government scared of? Ghanaians cannot accept any act that supports the practice of having unnatural carnal knowledge among some members of the public, all in the name of human rights activism,” he added.

Dr. Abed Bandim also called on Christians, irrespective of their interdenominational beliefs, to be steadfast in fighting against any actions by the government to promote LGBTQ+ activities in the country.

He further assured Ghanaians that the National Democratic Congress MPs are on hand to vote in support of the passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill, titled the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill."

“I and the good people of Bunkpurugu constituency support my colleagues in parliament in the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill before parliament.

"I am calling on all Christians to unite and kick against the promotion of LGBQT+ activities by the government and I want to assure the good people of Ghana that we the minority of parliament will vote in support of the passage of the bill,” Dr. Bandim added.

The MP also recalled how the late President John Evans Atta-Mills and his successor, John Dramani Mahama, both stated their strong condemnations of the activities of the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

He added that they even went further to assure that there will be no legislation to give backing to the practice in the country, which is what is also expected of the sitting president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

The objective of the Private Members’ Bill, popularly known as the Anti-Gay Bill, is to provide for proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian family value; proscribe (forbid) LGBTQ and related activities, provide for the protection of and support for children and persons who are victims of LGBTQ+.