"The Life of Ghana Is Being Wasted By Politicians, We Don't Speak the Truth" - Allotey Jacobs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has shared his regrets in engaging in politics in Ghana, revealing his greatest guilt is joining the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Joining a panel discussion on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Wednesday morning, the seasoned politician and now Social Commentator regretted to have been a member of the opposition party which, he stated, couldn't position Ghana.

"I carry one of the greatest guilt as a politician that I joined a party that for nineteen (19) years that has been in power and that could not position this country," he told Kwami Sefa Kayi.

To Allotey Jacobs, politicians are the bane of this country, exclaiming "we are wasting this country. The life of Ghana is being wasted by politicians because we don't speak the truth".

Allotey Jacobs said this while speaking to the meeting between the Ghana Police Service, the New Patriotic Party and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Monday, April 17, 2023.

The Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Dampare assured the parties of the Police impartiality to maintaining law and order and further warned them to desist from interfering with their work.

He also briefed both parties on some initiatives by the Police to securing the nation.