NPP To Petition IGP To Arrest Mahama Over His '2024 Election Will Be A Do-Or-Die Affair' Comment

The National Organiser of the National Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye, has disclosed that they are submitting a petition to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) over Mahama’s ‘do-or-die’ comment.

According to him, the action is informed by comments made by the former president, Mahama, in 2020 at a campaign rally, which he described as statements that incite violence.

Nana B, as he is popularly known, said on Accra-based Citi FM that the comments by the former president in the 2020 election undermine national security and the peace of our democratic stability.

“Former President, John Mahama, said for the 2020 general elections, it’s boot for boot, and 2024 general elections it’s going to be a do-or-die affair.” he said.

By this, he continued, the party is pressing the IGP to immediately arrest the former president.

“We [NPP] are forwarding a petition to the police CID. We are calling for the immediate arrest, investigation and prosecution of former President John Dramani Mahama for all these comments that he has made. We are of the view that it undermines national security and the peace that we are enjoying, it undermines our democratic stability,” he said.

He further added that the secretary of the opposition, the National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, has also been included in the petition over comments during his acceptance speech indicating that “they [NDC] are prepared to sacrifice everything, including their lives, to achieve victory.”

“We have also included the National Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah over his statements which in our view undermine the peace and stability we enjoy as a democratic nation. During his acceptance speech at the NDC congress, he said they are prepared to sacrifice everything including sacrificing their lives to achieve victory. We are calling for the arrest of these two gentlemen, former President Mahama and Asiedu Nketiah for these comments they made,” he added.
To him, the NPP sees nothing wrong with the comments by the Agric Minister, Bryan Acheampong, saying the party will not handover power to the opposition come 2024.

“We support Bryan’s utterances because we are not going to hand over power to you [NDC] because we will win, if we lose, we will hand over power to you. He never said whether the NDC loses or wins we are not going to hand over power to them. He never said NPP whether we win or lose we are not going to hand over. We find absolutely nothing wrong with his comment, we fully support him.” he said.