NDC Presidential Primaries: Duffuor Receives Massive Support In Northern Region

Presidential candidate hopeful of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr Kwabena Duffour, has received massive support from the party’s delegates in the Northern Region.

The delegates reportedly received Duffuor and his message warmly, which may serve as a good boost for his candidature in the NDC flagbearer contest.

The former finance minister in the erstwhile John Evans Atta-Mills administration is touring the Northern Region ahead of the NDC’s delegates congress slated for Saturday 13 May 2023, to elect the party’s flagbearer and parliamentary candidates for the 2024 general elections.

He is expected to visit all 18 constituencies in the Northern Region to sell his message to delegates of the NDC.

At his stop in the Tamale South constituency, Duffuor was received by a massive crowd. The delegates visibly demonstrated their support for Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, as their preferred choice as flagbearer of the NDC for election 2024.

Addressing the Tamale South constituency delegates, Dr. Duffuor noted that he is the best person in the NDC three-man race to lead the party to victory 2024.

“The current government has paid little attention to the plight of Ghanaians in the midst of the ongoing economic crisis.

“Give me a resounding victory on the 13 May 2023 to turn the economy round so that Ghanaians can heave a sigh of relief,” Dr Duffuor remarked.

A member of Duffuor’s campaign team, Yaw Boateng Gyan, on his part, urged the delegates not to pay attention to those who claim that, nobody should contest the former President, John Dramani Mahama.

He added that the former finance minister is one of the founding fathers of the NDC, and he is therefore qualified to contest to lead the party at the highest level.

“His immense contributions to the party can not be downplayed. As finance minister in the NDC administration, Dr Kwabena Duffuor contributed immensely to the success of the party, and as flagbearer, he will the party and the country to the place of progress and prosperity,” Boateng Gyan said.

“Dr Duffuor is third on the ballot. On 13 May 2023, when you receive your ballot paper, just look to third position and vote for Dr Kwabena Duffour, ” he added.

Duffour over the last few weeks has toured the Volta and Oti Regions. After his ongoing tour of the Northern Region, he is expected to proceed to the North East and Savannah Regions to meet with NDC delegates.

Former President John Dramani Mahama, joins former Finance Minister Dr Kwabena Duffour and former Mayor of Kumasi, Kojo Bonsu, as interested candidates in the party’s flagbearer contest which is fixed for Saturday 13 May 2023.