Do The Honourable Thing . . . CODEO Calls On Two New EC Board Members to Resign

The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has urged Dr Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani to resign from their positions on the board of Ghana's Electoral Commission.

He said even though they have already accepted their position, they should consider resigning.

The two were recently appointed by President Akufo-Addo to the electoral management body. However, they have been described as known affiliates of the ruling NPP.

Dr Appiahene, for instance, has been linked to the NPP’s student wing, TESCON, with accusations that he was once a patron of TESCON in the Bono Region.

Hajia Tijani on the other hand reportedly has family members who have close ties with the NPP.

Rev. Dr Fred Deegbe, a leading member of CODEO speaking in an interview on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' explained these issues are being raised now because their appointments have the tendency to make the EC look partisan and affect its credibility in future elections.

"The integrity of an election depends on the referee..." he indicated.

"It is not about their competence or personality but about perceptions and perceptions are important. If they resign, the appointing authority can appoint another. if they don't resign, we will consider our next line of action," he added.