What Will Be Our Gain If Akufo-Addo 'Attacks' Kamala Harris Over LGBTQ+? - Ayeh Paye Queries

President Akufo-Addo has received backlash following comments he made on the controversial LGBTQ when the Vice President of the United States of America visited Ghana.

What Akufo Addo said: 

"First of all we don't have any such legislation here in Ghana, a bill has been proposed to the Parliament of Ghana which has all kinds of ramifications which is now being considered by the parliament. It hasn't been passed, so the statement that there is legislation in Ghana to that effect is not accurate. No legislation.

"The bill is going through the parliament, it's going through the parliament, the Attorney General has found it necessary to speak to the committee about it regarding the constitutionality or otherwise of several of its provisions and the Parliament is dealing with it but at the end of the process I will come in. I have no doubt that the Parliament of Ghana will sure as it is done in the past, one first of all, its sensitivity to Human Rights issues as well as to the feelings of our population and we'll come out of the responsible response to the to to the proposed legislation.

"It's a private member's bill this is not an official legislation of the government but it is one that has been being mooted by a handful of private members, so we will see what the findal outcome of it. But my understanding from a recent discussion I had with the chairman of the committee is substantial elements of the bill have already been modified as a result of the intervention of the Attorney General, we will see what the final outcome will be..."

Some, however, believe the President wasn't clear enough on his stand.

Money for the economy

Samuel Ayeh Paye speaking to this on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' said: "The President has already condemned it and said he won't endorse LGBTQ+ . . . we are in difficulty and we need money to sort out things and US Vice President has paid him (Akufo-Addo) a visit and an issue of gay rights has been raised; you need to be wise and know how to address the issue and at the same time ensure that the woman (Kamala Harris) won't take any decision that won't help your country. How can he insult her and then be at the losing end; If I were Akufo-Addo that is exactly what I would say. You even know that she has allotted $100m to be shared among some West African countries. So If you get the money and later you approve the bill, will the woman (Kamala) come back to collect her money?" 

Watch Samuel Ayeh Paye On 'kokrokoo'