I Tried To Rescue Major Mahama - Accused Claims, But Prosecution Disputes It

One of the 14 persons accused of killing Major Maxwell Adam Mahama claims he rather tried to rescue the military officer during his alleged lynching.

Charles Kwaning testified before the Accra High Court Monday [April 3, 2023] that he prevented another person from shooting Major Mahama and also tried to prevent others from assaulting the soldier with stones and cement blocks.

However, the prosecutor, Mrs Frances Mullen Ansah, a Chief State Attorney, relying on pictures captured from the video depicting the lynching, put to Kwaning that he pointed a gun at the military officer and played an integral part in the killing.

The prosecutor further put it to the accused person that he was not being truthful to the court, referencing alleged inconsistencies in his testimony to the court and the statements he gave to the police when he was arrested.

Alleged lynching

Major Mahama was killed at Denkyira Obuasi in the Central Region on May 29, 2017.

He was said to have been lynched during a morning walk that led him to the community.

Fourteen people, including the then Assembly Man for the area, William Baah, are standing trial in connection with the death of the military officer.

They have all pleaded not guilty to charges ranging from murder, abetment to murder, and conspiracy to commit murder.


Opening his defence, Kwaning, the 11th accused person, told the court that he was a vulcanizer living and plying his trade at Denkyira Obuasi when the lynching of Major Mahama occurred.

He said on May 29, 2017, he saw Baah (Assembly Man) and another person on motorbike at full speed not long after he reached his shop at about 8 a.m.

According to him, Baah said he was at school teaching when two women called to inform him that someone with a pistol was approaching the town.

He said he joined the men, and not long after they caught up with Major Mahama who was walking briskly.

Kwaning claimed Major Mahama pointed a gun at them, which made him run to escape.

He said later, one Yaw Amankwah and another person came to the scene with guns, started calling Major Mahama a thief and then exchanged gunshots with the military officer.