Atta-Mills Institute Part Of ECOWAS Observer Mission For Nigeria Elections

As the Atta-Mills Institute (AMI), continues to grow in stature and catching the eye of the International Community, ECOWAS has once again invited AMI to be a part of its Observer Mission for the upcoming General Elections in Nigeria slated for, Saturday, February 25, 2023.

The Founder and CEO of AMI, Samuel Koku Anyidoho is in Lagos, Nigeria, as part of the 250 member Observer Mission and is accompanied by another member of AMI, Maxwell Okamafo-Addo.

The AMI has already joined ECOWAS Observer Missions in, Guinea, Conakry and Cotonou, Benin for elections in 2021 and 2022, respectively.

The Head of the ECOWAS Mission, is former President of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Ernest Bai Koroma, and has as his Deputy, His Excellency Alhaji Baba Kamara, Ghana’s High Commissioner to Nigeria and Permanent Representative to ECOWAS during the tenure of President John Evans Atta-Mills.

The elections is being contested by 18 political parties duly registered with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), of Nigeria, with four major ones being visibly dominant - the ruling All-Progressive Congress (APC), the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Labour Party (LP), and the New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP).

This year’s elections seems to be very intriguing since Nigeria returned to democratic governance in 1999 after years of military rule

The total number of registered voters is estimated around 95 million and expectations are very high amidst a change of the niara, which has caused a shortage of the currency.

Many International Observers are in Nigeria alongside ECOWAS - including the African Union and the European Union.

Local civil society groups have also been accredited by INEC.