Airport Area, Ogbojo, Other Parts Of Accra Heavily Flooded After Sunday’s Rainstorm

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) predicted that there will be heavy rainfall in the southern part of Ghana and true to their predictions there was rainstorm in Accra.

As usual, the rains in Accra led to several parts of the nation’s capital town flooding, causing a lot of destruction and impeding the movement of vehicles.

At the Airport area around Nyaho Hospital, the rushing flood waters made it impossible for vehicles particularly small ones to move.

At Ogbojo a suburb of Madina, the main road and some stores around it were flooded. Other parts of the community were also heavily flooded.

Floods have become very common in many parts of the country, in Greater Accra especially, following torrential rains that began in May.

Ghana Meteorological Service has made it a point to update citizens with up to the minute weather reports daily, the Ghana Police Service has cautioned citizens to be safe amidst the rains and for parents and teachers to avoid leaving their children out in the rains as it may be dangerous.