Agbawe Family Own Portion Of Dairy Farmlands, Disregard Amanfro Caretakers – Agbawe Family Of Oyarifa

The Principal Elder and Administrator for the Agbawe Family of Oyarifa, Rev Christopher Sowah Okpoti has warned the Amanfro to stay away from the Diary Farm lands.

According to the family, there is no way a caretaker can become the owners of a property he has been asked to farm on hence the public must disregard any person or group of persons from Amanfro.  

“All their publications are not true the Agbawe family owns the Agbawe lands which is duly known by all the people from La, that the properties of Agbawe family are for the Agbawe family which are for six brothers. They are Adjei Owusu, Adjei Otopa, Adjei Kpobi, Adjei Kplen, Asua and Ahua these form the Agbawe quarters of La.

“Our properties share boundaries with Teshie, Ashali-Botwe then Nungua Katamanso, then a portion of La of the Nkrumsah family. From there then Danfa, Danfa is the Afutu family and we also share a boundary with Aburi on the Mountains. We also share boundaries with the Osu family. We have about 15 thousand acres of land,” the Principal Elder of Agbawe explained to the media.   

He continued “So Amanfro don’t have any land they were just there to farm, they are just caretakers so they cannot claim ownership, they are just on the properties of the Agbawe family of Oyarifa.

“The Dairy Farmlands have been handed over to the Agbawe Family and by God’s grace there are no conversation. The government has released our lands to us with a WHITE PAPER and everything. We have all the necessary documents to that effect.”    

Rev Okpoti reiterated that there are demarcations and pillars that show clearly that the Agbawe family of Oyarifa own the Diary Farmlands adding that he cannot fathom how an outsider can go about engaging in fictitious publications on Agbawe properties.

He added that the Amanfro caretakers always come to the Agbawe family of Oyarifa whenever they are in need “so how come they are now throwing the weight about and to achieve what end? They are liars and the public must ignore them.”

“They are ignorant of their actions because if they really know what they are engaging in they will have to stop by now and go back to their advisers or whoever might be pushing them to rethink. Because there is no way they will succeed. They are already failures,” he added.  

The Agbawe has three towns Adenta Oyarifa, Frafraha so all those who have come to stay in these towns are visitors

“The meaning of Oyarifa that made the Amanfro guys to be accepted as caretakers is we accepted them so that we will be many, we wanted to be many, that is the meaning of Oyarifa.

“Agbawe family of Oyarifa since 1693 by then there was no village; nobody, the first village of La was the Agbawe family of Oyarifa. So if someone has come to stay on the property of Oyarifa that person has no right to claim anything for himself since we the Agbawe family is alive,” he added.