How Alex L.J. Tackled the COVID-19 Pandemic to Thrive and Leave an Impact

Finding the silver lining in every cloud and identifying the opportunity in the bleakest of situations is a rare talent. It takes a definite eye and mode of thinking to determine how a profitable angle can be obtained from the unlikeliest of circumstances. It’s something that entrepreneur Alex L.J. has by the bucketful, which he leveraged during the global pandemic to thrive and make his mark.

As a director of a consulting and business brokerage company that deals directly between China and Europe, Alex L.J.’s operations were thrown a curveball by the onset of COVID-19. The restrictions and limitations that came with the global pandemic presented a potential nightmare for Alex. However, as someone renowned for thinking outside of the box along with his innate ability to study a situation from all angles, Alex quickly adapted to the growing crisis to not only survive but thrive.

Alex says, “My philosophy is that in times of crisis, there are two kinds of people. The ones who cry and the ones who sell handkerchiefs to those who cry. I’ve never been an individual who’s seen much worth in standing around and crying, and so I decided to not only help improve the situation but also to make it viable in a business sense.”

As Europe faced a dire lack of medical supplies to help combat COVID-19, Alex L.J. looked to his homeland of China where he had numerous business contacts to help forge a trade route that would supply the continent with a steady stream of gravely-needed medical equipment such as nitrile gloves, FFP2 and FFP3 masks, and COVID test kits. As a result, a new business called L.J. GROUP SRL was born, and Alex has never looked back since.

Alex L.J. states, “By taking advantage of my contacts in Italy and China, I was able to ensure Europe was supplied with the medical supplies that China had in plenty. It was a win-win situation. Not only were we in a position to help those in need but it also enabled us to launch a successful company during a global pandemic. It just goes to show that there’s always light at the end of even the longest tunnel.”