Essikado Becoming Education Hub — Joe Ghartey

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential candidate aspirant and Member of Parliament for Essikado-Ketan Constituency,  Joe Ghartey says gradually his constituency is becoming an education hub in the Western Region.

The former Railways Development Minister made this known recently when Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia cut sod on behalf of the government for the construction of a 21st Century Lower Secondary in Essikado in the Western Region. 

Mr Ghartey who spearheaded the formation of the UMAT School for Railway and Infrastructural Development said "today, there are students in level 200 in the University and they have started certificate courses as well." 
He added that "So, what is happening is that, this area is becoming a hub for education and it already its starting to have an economic impact on the surrounding area."