Laptop Saga: Stay Calm! Your Leaders Have Your Interest At Heart - Education Minister Replies Agitated Teachers

Minister of Education, Yaw Osei Adutwum, has appealed to the agitated teachers complaining about the laptops purchased for them to keep calm.

Speaking to host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo”, Hon. Yaw Adutwum stated that there is no cause for alarm as he addressed the concerns of foul play in the deal  as shared by the teachers.

Clarifying the issues, he stated that money for the purchase of the laptops that is said to have been deducted from their salaries is untrue.

He explained the money is rather deducted from the teachers’ professional allowance of Ghc 1200 which is  given them due to the magnanimity of President Nana Akufo-Addo to assist them financially and also from government’s coffers as it took 70 percent of the cost of the laptops.

He also refuted claims that the laptops are of inferior quality saying, “the teachers have been complaining about writing lesson notes and so forth, so they need computers. The laptops are to facilitate their work…The laptops have a 2-year warranty unlike the usual 1-year warranty meaning if it spoils, you can send it for repairs without any cost involved”.

The Education Minister also lauded the leaders of the Teacher Unions, by whom the laptops were secured, saying the teachers should be “patient and know that their Union leaders have their interest at heart”.

When their leaders meet me and are fighting for the teachers, they even forget I am a Minister. They don’t joke with the teachers at all. So, they won’t do nothing to deceive their fellow teachers or treat them badly. They are not like that . . . be patient, let’s all come together and let calm prevail,” he said.