Elevation 2021 – Christians Charged To ‘Manifest’ God In Their Work Places

Young Christians from corporate Ghana and students from various tertiary institutions have been charged to be representatives of Christ at their workplaces in order to ensure excellence and integrity in Ghana. This statement was made by Rev. Evans Kyere- Mensah, President of the Elevation Conference, a Christian – connect event, during its 4th annual conference.
Elevation conference 2021 was a platform for inspiration, empowerment and networking for participants to gear up towards the next steps in the new world we live in. Speaking under the theme Manifestations, Rev. Kyere – Mensah, who is also the Head Pastor of GoodHope Chapel International in Kumasi, provoked participants to take on mantles as ambassadors of Christ at work by pursuing professions in varied sectors, occupying positions of influence and instilling the spirit of integrity.
“If we do not occupy positions of influence in our country, we cannot uproot corruption, we cannot make impact. The only way to make impact is to become a person of influence”, he said.  He encouraged students not to shy away from politics, business and other areas of service that puts them in the limelight. “If Christians occupy places of influence, we can win more souls for Christ and make our country a better place to live”. Rev. Kyere- Mensah said.