COVID-19: Science Alone Can't Help; We Need God! - Dep. Health Minister

The Coronavirus pandemic has bitterly stung the entire Universe as day in and out there are cases of the disease across countries.

Ghana has equally been gravely impacted by the pandemic disease; the nation currently has recorded over 40,000 cases.

Although the number of recoveries/discharges in the country has seen a significant growth, the situation still not safe until a vaccine or cure has been discovered to curb the disease.

Scientists across the globe are working tirelessly and assiduously to find the possible vaccine to treat the COVID-19 but the virus is said to be very stubborn, in other words it keeps mutating; hence giving the scientists a tough nut to crack.

Addressing the issue, Deputy Health Minister Dr. Okoe Boye sought God's help and intervention in the situation.

According to him, the strength of the scientists has overwhelmingly been challenged by the novel disease and it will take God to guide the scientists to find either the vaccine or cure to treat it.

"He is with us, He is bigger than the virus. And when a Scientist tells you that he's looking up, it means he has met a very dangerous situation . . . Sometimes, the science alone cannot help you to be optimistic but you must believe that someway [somehow] we shall overcome and that is an important aspect of management of a crisis."

Dr. Okoe Boye warned scientists not to play God but rather be optimistic that the fight will be over some day with the guidance of God.

In fighting this disease, "the leader cannot afford to be pessimistic. The last person to express fear should be the pilot and we, in direct leadership of this disease, should be the last people to speak in a way that shows that we're God," he stressed.

Watch his full submissions below: