COVID-19 Lockdown: So Far So Good - President's Health Advisor

Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare, President's Special Advisor on Health has urged Ghanaians to keep to frequent washing of hands and usage of hand sanitizers as the best precautionary measures to fight the COVID-19 spread.

Speaking on UTV's 'Mpu ne Mpu' programme, Dr. Nsiah-Asare explained that it is a bad idea for one to use nose mask, but it is usually used by carriers of the disease to prevent spreading it as frequent hand washing and hand sanitizers prevent the spread of the virus.

The health expert admitted to the fact that Ghana has not perfectly achieved it's partial lockdown aim but "so far so good", since government is still working hard to find all ways possible to curb the disease in our country.

He also asserted the COVID-19 confirmed cases in Ghana will not shoot up very high as realised in other countries because "public awareness, social distancing, contact tracing testing and other important swift initiatives needed have been taken into consideration to drastically in no time reduce the number of confirmed cases".

Dr. Nsiah-Asare confirmed that about ten percent 10% of the Ghanaian population will have the disease therefore the need for the lockdown even though most citizens are not happy with it.

"About 10% of our total population will have the disease but we will not go beyond this since the necessary precautionary measures have been put in place to curb it even though citizens are not happy with the lockdown directive which is for their own good," he said.