Let The National Anthem Guide You To Intercede For Ghana

Reverend Isaac Kankam-Boadu, Founder of the Grace Community Ministries, has underscored the need for the churches to intensify intercessory prayers for the nation, using the national anthem as a guide, as from year 2020.

He said the anthem was in itself a prayer which asks for the blessing of God for the country, also inspires the spirit of nationalism in the citizenry and needed to be sung or repeated at every Christian gathering.

According to him, the year 2020 marked an important milestone on Ghana's calendar as the time for both the Presidential and Parliamentary elections and its dawn must imbue in every Ghanaian the spirit of patriotism to join in efforts to achieve a peaceful and successful election.

Rev. Kankam-Boadu, was speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on the sidelines of a vigil service to usher in the year 2020, at the Kumasi Krofrom branch of the church.

He said the various denominational churches, attracted a huge number of worshippers and these were some of the strategic locations where the clergy could take the advantage to use the pulpit not only to sermonize but to whip up nationalistic tendencies in the citizenry.

This would help protect the peace prevailing in the country come election 2020, he added.

Referring to some lines in the anthem which read “... bold to defend forever the cause of freedom and of right, fill our hearts with true humility, make us cherish fearless honesty and help us to resist oppressors rule..., he said needed to be repeated always to remind Ghanaians of their duty to uphold humility and honesty while defending the cause of freedom and rights of the people country.