Christian Council Condemns Ethnocentric Comments

The Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) on Tuesday condemned the “unfortunate” tribal and gender comments made by Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi of the Glorious Wave Church International.

In a sermon at his Church about a week ago, Prophet Kobi ascribed certain negative traits to women of certain tribes in the nation.

The Council said such comments amount to gender discrimination and tribal divisions and should not be entertained in the country.

The Christian Council in a release copied to the Ghana News Agency and signed by the Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, Chairman of the CCG, said those statements made by Prophet Kobi were so negative.

The CCG condemned the statement “in no uncertain terms and affirms that such statements do not represent the view of Christianity and the Church in Ghana.”

“We therefore wish to reiterate our condemnation of the statement by Prophet Badu Kobi and any statement that divides our nation on tribal, political, religious or gender lines.

The Council has therefore, called on all stakeholders to work hard “to preserve our national cohesion and identity as one people.

“Our rich diversity should be harnessed for the development of our nation and not be used as a tool for division”.

The CCG also appealed to Pastors in the nation to use their pulpits to unite Ghanaians and not to divide “us on tribal, gender or religious lines.

“Ghana is one united nation that should be bonded in love and peace”.

The Council said it would continue to pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation and be guided by the principles of the Holy Bible.