LEKMA Road Approved On 20th June 2019

It has emerged that the LEKMA road was approved for sole sourcing contract on 20th of June 2019 weeks before a media campaign to get the road fixed.

The road which had been given to three different contractors earlier all of who had failed to execute the project was repacked with a dedicated financing source from the beginning of 2019 and finally approved by the PUblic Procurement Agency for construction on the 20th Of June 2019.

PeaceFM's Yaw Obeng Manu was at the scene on Monday morning and reports that after a spirited campaign and whipping up of sentiments by members of the public and journalists alike for the abandoned road to be fixed, work has finally commenced.

On Sunday, Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, provided a chronology of all the steps taken on the road explained that the new contractors are mobilizing to head to site since PPA approval was received.