'Why We Faked Our Facebook Wedding’

To her friends and family, Arlène Agneroh has it all. Well, nearly.

She is successful, educated and attractive. They call her a leader - she coaches entrepreneurs and offers personal development training for a living. The only thing she's missing, they say, is a husband.

Recently, something happened to remind her of just how much social pressure there is for young people in the Democratic Republic of Congo to get married.

On a late summer afternoon, the 33-year-old was invited to yet another friend's wedding in the capital, Kinshasa - one of 30 invitations she had received in that year alone.

As is common in Congolese weddings, guests invited by the bride wore clothes with matching patterns, while the groom's party wore a different style.

During the ceremony, Ms Agneroh sat next to her good friend, Jean-Félix Mwema Ngandu.

'It was completely crazy'
Innocently, a mutual friend took a picture of them sitting side by side at the wedding. He then posted the picture on Facebook.

Five minutes later, his phone was buzzing. He started laughing.

"What's happening?" Ms Agneroh remembers asking.

"Everyone thinks you two got married!" came the reply.

"It was completely crazy. In a matter of minutes, dozens of people had commented on the picture and sent me messages of congratulations," Ms Agneroh later told the BBC.

At the time, the two friends found it amusing - so to keep the story going, they decided to pose for a second picture, this time sitting in the "thrones" reserved for the married couple.

'People believe anything online'
"Seriously, when I talk about my work projects, I never get this kind of reaction," Ms Agneroh said.

"This is the reality we live in and I saw it clearly on that day.

"It made me a bit sad because you reach a certain level where you are happy, but society pushes you to think you are incomplete."

Mr Mwema Ngandu, 32, acknowledges they knew they would "create a buzz", telling the BBC that "when we took the second picture, it was carefully planned".

"In these times of fake news, people believe everything they see online," he said, adding that he wanted to make people think more carefully about what they see and read on social media.

"It's a cultural thing too. Here [in Kinshasa] everyone knows about your personal life and it's got worse with social media," he said.

"Sometimes it's entertaining but it can also be harmful."

'Still on the market'

Once the pair started getting messages from friends abroad saying they were planning to fly back to Kinshasa for the "wedding", Ms Agneroh decided enough was enough and revealed the truth on her Facebook page.

In a lengthy post she told friends and acquaintances: "These picture show two young people photographed by their friends, with no comment or allusion to marriage but that's what you all chose to interpret.

"Without even asking any questions, you've shared the picture, creating your own little story. Thanks to you, I've started compiling a list of guests for my wedding!

"But for now, those who've wanted to seduce me and but were always afraid, here's my message: I'm still on the market but not focused on finding a husband.

"So be patient… The lesson to learn is think before you act and look for context. A picture itself is never the full story."