Residents protest against speeding drivers

Residents of communities along the Nkoranza-Ejura highway have expressed concern about the rate at which drivers speed on the road putting the lives of especially children in danger. They have therefore appealed to the Nkoranza South District Assembly to liaise with the Ministry of Roads and Highways to as a matter of urgency construct speed ramps at Ahyiayem and the other communities to forestall fatalities. Mr. Richard Owusu, chairman of the Unit Committee at Ahyiayem told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) the people had complained against the practice by the drivers on several occasions but they had continued to speed along. "Taxi drivers are the most recalcitrant", he said and called on transport unions in Nkoranza and Ejura to educate drivers to minimize their speed when they got to the communities. Mr. Owusu said some cargo truck drivers refused to pay their taxes at the District Assembly barrier and appealed for Police personnel to be detailed at the various barriers and check points to assist the revenue collectors.