Join Crusade In Keeping Ghana's Water Bodies Clean - Former President Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has reiterated the need for all to join the crusade in keeping Ghana's water bodies clean.

Mr. Rawlings was speaking as the Special Guest of Honour at this year's Apetorku festival at Dagbamete, a community in the Akatsi South District of the Volta region.

Dagbamete is a community located in the Akatsi South District of the Volta Region with a population of about 600.

The community comprises five smaller villages - Tsipodzekope, Ahorkope, Biekuesekope, Dagbakope, and Tunukope. The main occupation of the people of Dagbamete is farming. They believe in traditional religion.

Dagbamete, though a small community, has made strides in the area of education, health and sanitation.

It boasts of a medical centre, an ICT centre, a bungalow for the medical staff and another for teachers. Dagbamete is famous for being the cleanest and fastest-growing community in the district.

According to an elder in the community, Dagbamete is the only community in the district that has never experienced any theft or armed robbery.

The theme for this year's Torgbui Apetorku festival is "Love for one another - one of the cardinal principles of Torgbui Apertoku".

TheSpecial Guest of Honour for the occasion, former President Jerry John Rawlings spoke about the need for all to help keep the country's water bodies clean.

Former President Rawlings inaugurated a newly-built community centre to help engage the youth in developmental projects in the area.