DVLA Staff Not Paid For 16 Months

About 25 young graduates employed by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) as Technical Officers, are yet to be paid salaries since July 2008. The Technical Officers, who did their National Service Programmes with the DVLA were issued letters of employment immediately after their service, have their fates hung in the balance. The Officers who have been spread across the regional offices of DVLA say they have had to live on small tips from regular clients. Asempa News� investigations revealed that the former DVLA Boss, Joe Osei-Owusu initiated the process to absorb the personnel into the Authority and issued them with appointment letters. This process of absorbing them however stalled, when Mr. Osei-Owusu resigned to contest the Parliamentary election in Bekwai, as an independent candidate. Mrs. Mabel Sagoe who acted in his absence did not do much to complete the process even though it was not new to her. The current DVLA Boss, Justice Amegashie who eventually took over is said not to be doing anything positive about the plight of the newly recruited Technical Officers. He was however not available for comments since he was on an official trip to London. The technical officers are now saying it will be difficult for them to spend another Christmas without receiving any salary from the Authority they have been working for in the past 16 months. Meanwhile, former DVLA Boss, Joe Osei-Owusu has told Asempa News that the current administration could not sort the issue out. He hopes that efforts will be made to resolve it as soon as possible. However, sector Minister Mike Hammah says he is not aware of the situation. Mr. Hammah spoke to Asempa News on phone from London, where he is also on official assignment. Indications reaching us from the DVLA are that the Authority is in talks with the Finance Ministry to rectify the anomaly.